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story es teller in lembang

ice cream storyteller
History The origin of Es Teler is known from Sukoharjo Regency. In 1957, a couple, H. Tukiman and Hj. Samijem Darmowiyono, a resident of Juron Village, Nguter District, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java. [wanted [1] Hj. Samijem and Tukiman were the first to discover. "Actually, I was the first to discover the frozen concoction. After that, ice cream was everywhere. I deliberately did not patent it,” said Samijem. [required file] [2] To earn a living, Darmo Wiyono's family moved to Jakarta as fruit sellers in the Menteng area of ​​central Jakarta. Convinced that the products from the fruit market were not enough to meet their daily needs, Tukiman and his wife were the first to sell ice cream. Over time, they created something new by mixing jackfruit, coconut, avocado, syrup and milk. Unexpectedly, many people like the combination of different fruits. [wanted [1] The name was taken from a customer saying "ice cream makes me drunk". From this word, teler ice cream is taken as the name of this drink. [wanted [1] Darmo Wiyono's family later opened a grocery store in the Cikini district of Central Jakarta in the Metropole Megaria area. The restaurant is called Es Teler Sari Mulia Asli. This restaurant also offers grilled chicken, meatballs, siomai and various drinks. And the Darmo Putro family business has grown to this day. [Article needed] [3] So far, it has built seven branches. The customers of this restaurant are many artists and politicians, such as Rieke Diah Pitaloka, Jarwo Kwat, Puan Maharani, Faisal Basri, former Sukoharjo Regent Gatot Amrih, and many relatives of the Cendana family ( the family of former President Suharto). . Ebeth Kadarusman, who is also one of his loyal customers, also invited him to appear in a TV show in 1993. Efrata. 3pcs half red dragon 1 piece of ripe avocado 1 piece young coconut removed 1 decoration 250mlSKM (soft) 500 boiling water enough ice cream How to do it Step 1 Prepare everything. In a mixed bag. Step 2 Put it in a container of young coconut and water, add SKM, stir until smooth, add deco and water. Add enough cooking water. Taste test. If it is not sweet, you can add SKM, if it is sweet, you can add boiling water. Step 3 Prepare the dragon fruit and avocado, cut to taste. Put it separately in another container. Then, put the avocado in a glass or plate, then the dragon fruit and ice cubes. Step 4 First remove the mixture from the young coconut. Ice cream dragon is ready to serve him. (Dragon fruit and avocado are not mixed with young avocado juice because they are soft and crumble easily when shaken)

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